Tag Archives: COINTELPRO

Mutulu Shakur Calls for U.S. Truth & Reconciliation Commission


On May 31, NAACP President Ben Jealous appeared on Democracy Now! and called for a US Truth and Reconciliation Commission which Dr. Mutulu Shakur has been calling for for over 5 years. Watch the video of the interview embedded above, read Mutulu’s comments below, and sign the petition.

“There is a need for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the U.S. to resolve the history of slavery, oppression, racism, segregation, lynching and the issues of political prisoners of the Civil Rights Black Liberation Struggle who fought against these gross human rights abuses.”

We seek restorative justice and the immediate release of all of those who put their lives on the line for freedom and justice and thus have been anguishing in prisons across America due to their political activities, associations and views…

A process that is developed on a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and/or the tribunals, has been the model used around the world. It allows for open discussion on the issue of resistance versus the state; it allows for a definition of terrorism that does not criminalize legitimate forms of resistance against oppression. It equally provides an avenue for healing and rebuilding, or at the very least, it provides a starting point post-conflict…

It’s important to acknowledge and understand that activists in our movement, who have made an effort to build support for political prisoners and prisoners of war in the U.S., have utilized and exhausted all available avenues that were open to them to gain relief for our freedom fighters…”

– Dr. Mutulu Shakur

“All of the political prisoner cases from the ’60s are a concern. Closing the unsolved lynchings is something that we’re still working on. It makes you wonder if the country isn’t coming to a place where we need some sort of Truth and Reconciliation Commission to help us deal with what are very painful moments.” – Ben Jealous, NAACP President (2013)

Please read:
Towards a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for New African/Black Political Prisoners, Prisoners of War and Freedom Fighters by: Dr. Mutulu Shakur May 2010

Truth & Reconciliation Commission Follow-up by: Dr. Mutulu Shakur January 2011

A Message to the Montefiore-Einstein Medical Center Doctors of Family & Community Medicine

montefiore-einstein-signIn extending great enthusiasm and support for the objectives of the Montefiore Medical Center Community Doctors (MMCCD), I have kept in mind that 45 years ago an army of committed and concerned have-nots did take a realistic look at the state of the under-served health population in the City of New York, and; From all angles in the streets, community centers, hospitals and mobile experimental units tried to apply a predictable skill, and alternative modalities in which to give some predictability and healing for our community.

That (MMCCD) has decided to resuscitate/professionalize and to apply the same theory in these days and times could not have come at a more crucial stage in the role health care is playing or not playing in the political theater of the United States political paradigm. The awareness of the masses to the motives of the state must ultimately be revealed, by an astute politically conscious and medically deprived population. The revealing stage of the objectives of the American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical companies of 45 years ago was revealed when the collaboration of the state, city and national political apparatus made an attempt to convince the population that the war on drugs could be won and controlled by the introduction of a deadly chemical methadone.

I salute you, the medical cadres of the Black Panther Party, The Young Lords Party, Peoples Free Health Centers, Lincoln Detox, May 19th, John Brown Anti-Klan and; The Republic of New Africa salutes them as well for utilizing all the powers at their disposal to force the victims of the drug plague to submit to extraordinary doses of medication just so they would not be a part of the so called criminal class. We called it then as it was, chemical warfare, and chemical Genocide.

Today we have tons of research and great practitioners such as doctors, nurses, acupuncturists, midwives and activists that are trying to make up for the lack of consistent consciousness of the masses as to the effectiveness of alternative medicine. The task will be hard, and the opposition by the pharmaceutical companies and the media, will be severe.

I look forward to see the day that the work of our past comrades will be carried on by the work of MMCCD and others; Because so many of those comrades are underground, in prison, martyred or in exile. They suffered tremendous damages and casualties because of their effort to provide health care to the masses. If there are those who doubt this, then they should join me in calling for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission on how the FBI’s illegal Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) conducted low intensity warfare waged against alternative health care in the 60′, 70′s, and 80′s.

Thank you all who provide the opportunity for resurrecting the work of community-based medicine and; I am very proud that the municipal hospitals in the city of New York make available the alternative acupuncture treatment that we started at Lincoln Detox and carried on in BAAANA for the victims of the Drug Plague, Post-Traumatic Stress, and secondary conditions.

I congratulate Montefiore-Einstein for this innovation.

Aim High and Go All Out,
Long live the spirit of Lincoln Detox and BAAANA,
Stiff resistance,

Dr. Mutulu Shakur