Announcing Dr. Shakur’s First In-Person Los Angeles Event at UCLA on February 27, 2023 – 5-7 pm PST

Please join us for an evening of celebration to welcome Dr. Mutulu Shakur home!

TICKETS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ENTRY! Reserve yours via Eventbrite.

On December 16th, 2022, Dr. Mutulu Shakur was released on parole after serving 37 years in prison. Dr. Shakur participated in civil rights, Black liberation, harm reduction acupuncture and healthcare movements from the late 1960s to the 1980s. The acts of which he was convicted some thirty years ago were committed in the context of a movement seeking equal opportunities for Black people who, it is widely conceded, were suffering catastrophically from disenfranchisement, segregation, poverty and exclusion from many of the fundamental necessities that make life worth living. The decision to grant parole is based on federal law guidelines for “old law” prisoners, finding that Dr. Shakur poses no threat to the community, taking into consideration his exemplary conduct in prison, his medical condition and how much time he has served. He has taken full responsibility for his actions, served as a force for good and anti-violence throughout his decades of incarceration as an elder with multiple health complications. This victory was secured by the steadfast support of his legal team, his family and his community.

Co-sponsors: Afrikan Student Union, Allied Community Arts Brigade, Campus Programs Committee of the Program Activities Board, Dr. Robin Kelley, Institute on Inequality and Democracy, UCLA Law Criminal Justice Program, UCLA Center for Justice/Prison Ed Program, Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance

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