Category Archives: Writings

Honoring Urayoana Trinidad, Acupuncturist

This award has a very special meaning to me, for if it were not for Urayoana the history of BAANA would have a very different path.

I’m not only extremely honored, but grateful as well, to Urayoana for her dedication, foresight, and humanity that gave forth to the second generation of our dreams and hopes of BAANA legacy.

In the beginning, in the early 70’s, through her discipline as a psychologist she watched with a clinical eye at the practice and style of work at Lincoln Detox.  Clearly interested as a natural rebel, she and her partner Shaheem at all times supported us professionally, politically as well as personally.  Those were the ‘Hay Days’ of Lincoln Detox and acupuncture.

The National Institute of Health, the National Drug Abuse Council, Addiction Service Agency of New York and the Health and Hospital Cooperation- not to say anything of the COINTELPRO infiltration of the FBI the boss in NYC directed by personal vindictiveness by the then Board of Estimate Chairman, Ed Koch, and his henchmen Charles Schummer and National Caucus of Labor Committee under the leadership of Lyndon LaRauge- made our lives under extreme pressure almost impossible and fending off licensing.  We were developing and preparing proposals for every aforementioned agency to satisfy research protocols, provide treatment and fight hand-to-hand combat in the street to survive.  Although, at this point not a part of the treatment team, Urayoana with her credentials assisted professionally, therapeutically and fought with us at every level.

As one of the most dedicated students at Lincoln Hospital, she fought to keep the classes and treatment available when the only building left functioning was the nurses residence.

I would like to take this time to thank Urayoana for her steadfastness in continuing the dreams of Lincoln Detox and BAANA Acupuncture Unit and for all of the aforementioned sacrifices as we saw it demystifying the art of healing called acupuncture-  to make it available for the masses as an economically feasible treatment moderately accessible in the community.  Thereby we put in the hands of the masses a skill that could be used on the grassroots level to confront the drug plagues be they methadone, heroin, cocaine, crack, alcohol or to confront the contradictions of overuse of prescription drugs.

It is so important in one’s life that we see our dreams and sacrifices come to fruition when faced with overwhelming odds.

Urayoana, mind you suffer much as we are all now aware of the stress and trauma of ‘low-intensity warfare,’ brought on by COINTELPRO during the government’s attempt to destroy BAANA.  Urayoana’s husband at the time spent almost 3 years in prison for refusing to collaborate with the government’s ‘witch hunt.’  This wonderful sister kept her family together, organized a structure to support other grad jury resisters and build a support structure to continue the healing at BAANA.

For that I’m so thankful and proud to have been a part of her development.  Sister Urayoana, from the beginning, has always been cerebral, allowing her mind to dictate her destiny.  Her journey into the art of healing has demonstrated to her that the mind is not stronger than the soul. In the end, when faced with personal crisis and political oppression and a determination to show love and respect to her instructors, patients and most of all to her principles, it was her soul that gave force to the development of First World Acupuncture.

We recognize tonight an exceptional warrior for the people.  Her honor is well, well deserved.  Her wounds inflicted from her sacrifice must be comforted with our love.  Our legacy must continue and so it will, thanks to the principle and love and soul of Urayoana.

From mine eyes, rivers run up the stream
confidence flows through the
veins – clarity is a friend of mine – reigning in my life before me
dashing energy while enlightening
my essence – making me whole

I love you my Sister
I’m proud of you
I give you my respect
for I know that very few
things worthwhile come easy

As always, prepare for war, prepare for natural disasters and do all that we can for the people.  This you exemplify!

Aim high and go all out!!
Still Resistant!
Dr. Mutulu Shakur

Another Crime Bill – An Explanation: Cold War!

Written by Dr. Mutulu Shakur from Marion Federal Prison
The New Crime Bill poses fundamental issues for Black/New Afrikans in America. We must come to terms and face what seems to be self-destruction in the behavior of our young generation, which political parties and government claim to be the basis for another Crime Bill. We must decide whether the traumatic behavior which is so self-destructive and anti-community is a direct result of our failure as a Black Nation within America to give proper guidance to our youth or is it the manifestation of the lack of power, true power (political, economic, community, etc.) which stems from the fundamental miscalculation of the anticipated benefits of integration in addition to the adoption of the philosophy of rugged individualism? Or, are we the tools and experiments of aversion behavior modification and political manipulation? From these conclusions we must determine the short and long-range goals of the manipulators and, implement counter measures. The Republican Party in the 1994 elections used the battle cry It is time for a change and down with big government, but the loudest of all cries was Crime in America! The Democratic Party used the passing of the Crime Bill as an acid test for Bill Clinton, and Clinton, according to Laura Lee of the A.C.L.U., found it politically attractive. As Governor of Arkansas, he put to death mentally retarded offenders making his position on the death penalty quite clear.

What should be of tantamount concern is the process for voting on the Crime Bill by our elected representatives under the previous Democratic Congress. The Congressional Black Caucus (C.B.C.) was quite powerful, and it appeared that it was on the road to an independent agenda focusing on the needs and interests of Blacks in America as they saw it and a philosophy of positive change and consolidation in spite of the limits of the electoral politics in a two party system. The Leadership Summit, Haiti, and South Afrika were examples of positive endeavors.

However, the passing of the Crime Bill depended upon the C.B.C. This bill added more fascist laws, constitutional violations, double standards and unjust racial components that will affect us way past the twenty-first century. Why the C.B.C. in concern with the ten Black mayors equivocated on racial justice protection and were shortsighted will be for history to determine.

I find myself agreeing totally with Jesse Jackson in dismissing this Crime Bill as a little koolaid to go along with cyanide~ bringing to mind Jim Jones who led so many Black/ New Afrikans to commit suicide in Guyana.

Even though each party quotes statistics to substantiate their position, questions as to whether crime is in fact increasing or stabilizing persist. We must keep in mind that the pollsters are contracted in the self-serving interest of a specific group, party, with a self serving agenda in mind. Remember the statistics of parole ushered out for the Willie Horton ad used by the Republicans against the Democrats?

What we do know is that 93% of the murders committed by Black are on other Blacks. Also only 27% of Blacks incarcerated are incarcerated for violent crime, and we also know that we make up 50% of the federal prison population. In view of the these facts are we to believe that the parties that

have demonstrated disrespect for our human rights and the plight we have suffered under their forefather are suddenly concerned about what we do to each other? Not likely.

The questions are why are we so divided over the methods and tactics with which to confront and resolve this phenomenon how did we get to this level of despair and self-destruction, and does it affect us all?

The reason we as a people and class are in this predicament and will remain stagnated is that we continue to retreat from the demand for real power. We must look clearly at the practicality of getting all our rights from a politically monopolized legislature, a structure that confirmed Clarence Thomas as a token Supreme Court Justice and at the same time forcing a retreat of support Lani Guinier.

It is a known fact that for years Black men have been the victims of an unjust criminal justice system. At each presidential election a new program is enacted Weed and Seed, Violence Initiative, and on and on. Right now, prior to passing this New Crime Bill, 23% of all Black Men eighteen to twenty-nine years of age are in prison, in some type of jail, on probation or parole. When Black males account for 6 percent of the U.S. population and 50% of the U.S. prison population it s quite clear that at least on this point the Congressional Black Caucus First instinct to hold out for a racial justice provision was morally and politically correct especially with respect to concerns about the potential of the genocide effect through low birth rates.

The Black mayoral pressure on the C.B.C. was treacherous. The excuse that we needed crime prevention money won t hold water. The Republicans wouldn’t support the bill if it contained the death penalty quota or racial justice provision. They cried about the pork in the budget. When the Republican Party won the 94 elections, they wanted to revisit the Crime Bill, look at the gun laws, and revisit the pork issue the same pork that the Black mayors wanted so badly to cat that they sold out their next generation. This Crime Bill did not rest solely on the death penalty provision and counter crime measures but also on the erosion of constitutional rights, putting more power in the hands of a police force and judicial system and government who have and will abuse these powers.

This type of leadership from the mayors and the C.B.C. gives our youth reason to disrespect them. My leadership not willing to stand up for the people truly earn disrespect. When our youth see leaders unwilling to fight to achieve as a people or a class in comparison to what other groups and other ethnics achieve, they pursue their own way look out for number one or rugged individualism in pursuit of economic empowerment. This analysis should not be viewed as a tolerance for the behavior of some of our youth, but we must get to the core of the problem. If you won’t fight your enemy, how can we expect you to fight for the survival of your sons and daughters?

The bankruptcy of the economy and the nihilism of popular culture are the sources of distorted values and internalized violence present in ghetto youth today. The entire society is ensnared in the worship of the material culture. Manhood is defined in terms of how much you have, not how will you care for family, community, and nation.

The figures show that Black people account for 12% of the US population yet account for 48% of the homeless in the US These are the stark realities. It is not something you can hide from our children who come face to face with survival everyday. What is the mind set of the street culture? Where are the civic lessons? Many would rather gamble with death!

I grew up when the so-called ex-con represented on some level a stabilizing force. in terms of how illegal activities were carried out in the community, the ex-con was somebody s uncle, cousin, or brother. They were a part of what we had then the extended family. He or she would be willing to act in the best interest of our community and extended family. This analysis is in no way an attempt to glorify the lumpen. But if the truth be told, coming from a single parent family myself, many of the so-called ex-cons served as my mentors and guided me into manhood. For sure it is a fact that the killing of children, rape, robbery of the elderly and the inclusion of civilians not involved in the life as targets was not the way of gangsters of the past.

Violation of these codes of conduct would have been met with swift community justice. Nor by the clergy or police, but by the prisoners behind the walls once the violators were within reach, or by the controller of the underground economy. For instance, the number bankers in our community in the 50 s, 60 s and part of the 70 s might play this role and would mete out punishment based on a sense of principle.

So we ask what happened? What happened was that a political realization took place among the underclass. Prison began to produce revolutionaries and visionaries who could articulate, analyze, and move forward to organize against that oppression. Many of our leaders and the rank and file of our various struggles have been influenced by their experience in jail or by mentors who did time. The mentors were able to articulate that rehabilitation was a myth. They understood the origin of the indeterminate sentence by which a prisoner could serve one day to life depending on his performance and the extent of his rehabilitation. Psychotherapy was the treatment and the objective of the treatment was to punish political beliefs which did not conform to popular views. Failure to respond to treatment resulted in an extension of incarceration.

Out of the bowels of prison came the likes of Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, George Jackson, Bunchy Carter, Ahmad Evans, Eldridge Cleaver, Sekou Odinga, Dhoruba bin Wahad, Lumumba Shakur, Albert Nuh Washington, H. Rap Brown and many other lesser known but just as important resisters. Many of the Civil Rights leaders and participants were protected and encouraged by their pilgrimage to prison.

So, on, two fronts the prisoner and prison were having an adverse affect on the designs of the government with respect to New Afrikans. What emerged from the depths of prison oppression was a culture of resistance and a sense of extended responsibility to the community in spite of the negative context of the underground economy and the plague of drugs.

The government understood at that point that these men and women who emerged from prison had seen through the smokescreen of reactionary propaganda and they were having a positive impact on our culture. So prisons have become the battle ground in a war of attrition designed to reduce prisoners to a state of submission essential to their ideological conversion.

That failing, the next option in a deadly sequence is to reduce the prisoner to a state of psychological incompetence sufficient to neutralize them as self-directing antagonists. That failing, the only option left is to destroy the prisoner, preferably by making them desperate enough to destroy themselves. We can now see the results of those experiments in our neighborhoods as a self-evident truth. Tactics of war behavior modification and low intensity warfare is the marriage of government and prison officials. Psychologist Amilcar Cabral noted oppression or domination of a people is only secure when the cultural life of a people is destroyed, paralyzed or at least neutralized.

Simultaneously, the distribution of drugs took on a new face and tactic. After many exhaustive analytical conversations with federal prisoners from United States Penitentiaries at Lewisburg, Lompoc, Marion, I concluded by an examination of the data that the dynamics of and more importantly the consequences of the distribution of drugs prior to the 70 s in the local communities wits generally handled in this manner organized crime distribute major quantities of drugs to known local kingpins usually indigenous to the community. Although we scorned the destruction that they represented, there clearly was a method to their madness.

The Iran/Contra scandal exposed the agenda to trade drugs for guns and allowed alien immigrants from Colombian, Cuban and Middle Eastern cartels through the local businesses that they had set up in our communities to establish a distribution strategy which circumvented the indigenous kingpins and the existing territorial boundaries that had been established neighborhood by neighborhood. So battle lines were drawn, not by communities but by alien distributors who had no interest at any level in the established codes of conduct or reinvestment in the community encouraging our younger generation to choose a path of self-destruction for material gains.

In the prison and on the street the designed manipulated behavior took hold. The Iran/Contra is not about guns for hostages but about guns for drugs and drugs for genocide. Military industrial complexes work hand and hand with the prison administration and the behavior sciences.

In prison violators of fundamental codes of conduct once not tolerated were given leeway. Individual materialism came before every aspect of community or the extended family. Natural leaders were shunned as well as thinkers by other prisoners for fear of retribution by the prison administration. With COINTELPRO in the streets of the larger community the people began to reject any connection with resistance. In prison leaders were isolated and put in the hole, but more importantly, there was less and less connection between the community, organizations and family.

It s no mystery. The objective of this New Crime Bill is in conjunction with low-intensity warfare and behavior modification. The goals are to establish slavery of New Afrikans in the twenty-first century.

The financial conspiracy to establish prison labor for private investment (preceded this Crime Bill in a trajectory strategy. The accumulation of hysteria and media manipulation set the stage for mandatory sentencing, crack law, Rico, the federalization of gang activities and three strikes you re out.

It doesn’t take a Wall Street broker to see that investments are not made for short term objectives. The idea is long range projection. They must be able to predict a steady labor force to make their investors interested. On May 12, 1994, the Wall Street Journal featured an article entitled, Making Crime Pay Triangle of Interests Creates Infrastructure To Fight Lawlessness Cities See Jobs. The article presents an ominous plan to increase the number of people being sent to prison. They are talking about how Big Businesses like Goldman Sachs & Co., Prudential Insurance Co., Smith Barney Shearson, Inc. and Merrill Lynch and Co.. Inc. are among those competing to underwrite prison construction with private tax-exempt bonds where no voter approval is required. In essence. Big Business is investing in the prison system. It was clear to them that the new Crime Bill was going to pass no matter what. The New Crime Bill was never on the ropes!

On May 19, 1994, a week after the Wail Street article was published, the Director of the Federal Prisons, Kathleen M. Hawk, and Representative Frank Wolf gave testimony to Congressional Committee, House Judiciary/Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration pleading to have inmate labor used in the private sector. The legislative proposal H.R. 703 and 4092 Amendment would authorize Federal Prison Industries (F.P.L) to produce and sell goods in the private sector/market where these goods would otherwise be produced by foreign labor.

All of our people must take stock of what the long range effects of this Crime Bill are. The Bill it self is 1,000 pages long and all most of us hear about is the Death Penalty and the Pork. The devastating sections inherent in this Bill include making the parent pay for the crime of the child and the authorization of government to investigate individuals or groups who engage in First Amendment activities in support of political goals of organizations deemed terrorist. One person s terrorist is another person s Freedom Fighter. Allah knows we need some Freedom Fighters! By supporting political prisoners and prisoners of war in America, you are fighting for the reconstruction of your community.

It is very important for our community to go to the prisons and force interaction investigate the many cases of prisoners in the hole for no other reason than their political ideologies or their charisma as leaders and teachers. Why are all the prisoners housed in prisons in the rural white areas? Don t Blacks know how to turn keys? Truly we can see the writing on the wall. Let us not be made fools of any longer through our own cowardice and self-destructiveness.

Across the country Brothers and Sisters need to petition the Congressional Black Caucus and demand that they hold hearings concerning the critical issues, to stand up and confront the Beast that wishes to devour, our people so that posterity will not curse their names for all time.

Brothers and Sisters we need each other. Political prisoners in America will continue fighting for our human rights. However, we must understand that we are all in this together. What comes around goes around. A nation of people that won’t stand for something will fall for anything.

Letter to Biggie’s Family


To Brother Biggie’s Family; We believe the lost of Biggie and Tupac will have a tremendous impact on our younger generation. When all the facts are received and analyzed, it will show through all the negative and false accusations and unprincipled actions in the public which is where our young draws its influence, Brother Biggie acted in a principle way toward our son and his public actions were principled by their very nature which was true to the life game in which he lived.

Our family has not come to any final conclusion as to who killed our son, Tupac. Nor, why he was killed. His murder and the death of Yafeu “Kadafi” Fula son of Yaasmyn Fula and P.O.W. Sekou Odinga a month after Tupac, and the senseless murder of Javana Thomas the daughter of Freedom Fighter Innie Thomas and the late B.L.A commander JOHN THOMAS has our family and extended family in constant grief as well as searching for the truth in all matters. It has always been our position that with no investigation, no right to speak or act. We are continuing our investigation as to determining the truth of all actions and the matters associated with reasons; thereby determining our actions.

We do know that Brother Biggie was a part of an industry that has been under attack from the highest form of government officials. They have targeted Tupac, Sister Souljah, Ice T, Ice Cube, and Snoop Dogg to just name a few. The object of this attack reportedly was the lyrics’ contents and the connection to crime. “If” this is/was the only case why would devil worshippers (music and artist) not be hounded out also? Since they openly worship the devil in a so-called, God fearing country. (Their music and profane religion outright denounces the government while preaching mayhem, destruction and even death to their parents, government and even nonbelievers in their philosophical satanism).

Yes, we must take responsibility for our own actions. We must acknowledge that we have powers to shape minds and souls. Tupac, Biggie and Yafeu all could bring us closer to the real deal or turn us in upon ourselves. That power is not easy to comprehend when your only goal is to “come up”. The struggle of saving and speaking for has been a tremendous task for most if not all leaders. But, this government and those who have profited from the music culture of Black people; really know “power” and how to utilize it both internally and externally. Their goal has been long range and very specific to their economical survival and political agenda.

Whereas our loved ones; our rappers, wanted to explain their pain and identify from where they came, and describe their present life and at times asked us to hope for a better tomorrow, if all things were fair. If our family’s (Shakur’s) lack of response to rumors and allegations contributed to any confusion as to what principle we stand on; let it be known and clear!! We do not believe in COINCIDENCES. We believe history has demonstrated that the murders of Black people (young & old) who can have a profound impact; those who refuse to “Bow Down,” even if they themselves are not clear on the reasons why, have and will be targeted by the government at its highest level. These murders have historically proven over time to have the hand of government secret agents or the stimulation by the government for negative responses and was initiated by these agents working on behalf of the government and their secret agendas.

We mourn Brother Biggie and Tupac with the rest of the Black Nation because they (our son, brother, father and leader in their own rights) have clearly been victims of a set of circumstances which was implemented outside of their control and/or ability to influence. While I disagree with the method of discussing issues of our internal contradictions in the entertainment media. Tupac in his Makaveli record clearly changed his wrongful view of who shot him and who was heading it in New York, and why? That’s not to say that we know the Makaveli allegations is correct, only that any “Fan” of Tupac’s would surely have known that Tupac revised his wrongful (stance) against Biggie’s involvement concerning his shooting in New York. And he wanted his “Fans” to know it.

It is common knowledge that Brother Biggie was under surveillance by the FBI or other government agents. And his every movement was reportedly being watched concerning a parole or possible parole violation. How come those agents did not protect him, or at least apprehend or pursue the people who did the shooting? (and, the same must be said, for my son Tupac). The tactics by law enforcement agencies in the past have been to arrest these high profile artist on gun violations. Leaving them in a “catch 22″ situation to violate parole by defending themselves. Or leaving themselves defenseless making them easy prey for a would be assassin and stick-up kid. Surely, the FBI was at the party.

Afeni and I have never supported a Crip vs. Blood feud as presented by the Las Vegas Police concerning our son’s assassination. And, I have always pushed the “Codes of the Thug Life”. Which demands that the various crews select representatives and sit down as the peace table and talk about any disputes and misunderstanding that falls between them. Our life is committed to our people, even with the death our our own Tupac and Yaki. (They are not the only martyrs of our family killed under questionable circumstances, and probably won’t be the last. Though I pray otherwise). If we, on the East Coast and the West Coast or the Crips and Bloods (as well as other rival Black Gangs and Street Organizations) began to kill each other (ourselves) over or, for unclear reasons in revenge for matters we are not sure of, we will be killing good potential warriors, who will be needed greatly in the face of OUR REAL STRUGGLE against THE REAL ENEMY (Like you don’t know!!!) who has masterminded the dissension that now exists between families of the same Nation by eradicating ourselves with (Black on Black) crimes.

What we must understand is that our warriors are needed when it has been proven beyond contradiction that the CIA were principal importers of Crack Cocaine and Cocaine period into the hood, initiating the newly created Drug laws that were blatantly racially motivated to set into motion tactics of genocide to destroy and lock away our brothers and sisters for the rest of their lives. They have also created conditions that breed the worst in us. Look at how long the struggle in South Afrika was extended because of the fighting of (Afikan on Afrikan) Zulas against A.N.C and P.A.A.C.

Rap music and the Hip-Hop nation is a movement unclear of its final objectives, but a movement nevertheless, with potentials this government already fully understands and is prepared to destroy. If we look back in our history on the Black Nationalist Movement, the assassination of Bunchy Carter and John Huggins two great Panthers on the West Coast by the members of U.S. organizations ran by Mr. Ron Karenga. Afters years of my investigation as a member of the National Task Force for COINTELPRO Litigation Research, in connection with Geronimo Ji-Jaga’s trial. The motivation and participation in the murders by the FBI has been proven beyond a doubt. The murder- assassination of Robert Webb, a West Coast Panther functioning out of New York, killed on 125th St. and 7th Ave, sparked a vengeful killing of another great Panther, Sam Napier.

The assassination of Robert Webb was revealed to be FBI motivated as well as their direct participation in his assassination which in design was to split the parties East Coast and West Coast connection. At that time many of us functioned out of our emotions and ignorance and played into it. These types of specified killings helped to destroy our movement, accomplishing the governments’ goals. Don’t go for it!!! Learn from our past mistakes…Act at all times by rationale and reasoning. We do not want the death of Tupac or Biggie to be used as a base for internal fractional side contradictions. Nor for Biggie and Tupac to be used to fuel further strife, dissension, and destruction internally by the Federal/Mass Media governing the situation.

In the name of Biggie and Tupac, stop playing yourselves, and start putting resources into the real struggle. Show love to your warriors, pay attention to the game that’s being played on/against us. SEARCH FOR TRUTH!!! Don’t look at who shot Biggie and Tupac, but WHY they were shot. Don’t be fooled by the media that (seldom if ever had a kind word for rappers) has never shown real concern for your/our welfare. STOP FAKING TUFF…BE TUFF…!!!

Remember Biggie for being a principled man, not playing into the media’s hype; jumping the gun even in the face of some clear disrespect which I apologize for. Don’t allow them to continue to play them. Instead show them love…Tupac and Biggie will talk on another plane.

Let Tupac’s and Biggie’s fans grow into a true bond like when they first started out.

Let’s do it for them!!! Continue to search for truth.

May ALLAH give comfort to Brother Biggie’s family. Especially his offspring as well as friends and fans. MUCH LOVE TO YOU, BIGGIE!!!

To all the Thugs; Live by the code, protect yourselves at ALL times. Failure to do so could cost us all.


We Want Freedom Anyway!


October 22, 1995
Statement to the Committee to End the Marion Lockdown

The manifestation of control units in America, ushers in the existence of apartheid for the 21st century secure in the rubric of a conspiracy disguised as constitutionally legal in confronting crimes. The real question is does it reflect human fights violations?

In actuality the political and social containment of growing discontent, and the resistance against the trend of racism and economic oppression are the motives, which are disguised by double speak through Madison Avenue promotional mix for the Government and its agents. Wall Street s marketing strategy for investment in the privatization of prisons and related industries coupled with prolification of state and government prisons all over the United States and its colonies securing continued labor forces, using the strategy with NAFTA Agreement, insures a protracted struggle for human rights protection against human rights violations. Clearly the rush to pass the New Crime Bills death penalties were not aimed at the protection of the citizen or victims of crime but rather, by their nature, the 60 new death penalties under federal statue are aimed at the protection of the state and their anticipation of resistance.

The role of control units to contain the most political aware, as well as the political prisoner and prisoner of war of National Liberation Movement And the seasons veteran against prison repression serves as a reminder of the true intent, which accounts for the vast amount of time given for nonviolent offenses, with no anticipation of release. These conditions provide a vehicle to raise the level of public conscience. The major question we must address is, will we he able to present these circumstances against this force, which would shock the conscience of the masses, guiding them to respond effectively and decisively.

The task facing CEML, which historically has attacked the control unit of Marion at the onset of its tactical use in 1983, with the federal prisoner system remains, to continue its work by effectively presenting the correct analysis and work. Support for CEML and the National Campaign t stop control units provide a very important vehicle to raise their level of struggle The battle to expose prisons and the interrelationship to racism and crime, is an old on but now there exists new tactics and strategies. The reemergence of chain gangs in various states, the legally justified acts of brutality as well as physical physiological in the many gulags in America must be confronted on all levels.

The work by members of the New Afrikan Liberation Front is well as Sister Tanaquil and Brother Dhoruba. The Pelican Bay Committee, of California. These forces are maintaining the umbilical relationship between those of us inside with the Free World humanizing the prisoners in the faces of demonization. The question of fighting crime in the community in America is a real issue that must not be side stepped or evaded. The root course for crime today, must be a mass based community control solution in order, to effectuate real results as well as its essentialness to self determination and liberation. To allow conditions which predispose people to crime and the results there of, by evading our responsibility which will allow the implementation of fascist racist and abusive of power, creating conditions of totalitarianism is a grave mistake, we must not be fooled.

The battle to stop control units will become a very important endeavor in the ensuing struggle in the 21st century. Hopefully, it will enlist an element which has not as of yet been motivated. As a prisoner of war that has been in two control units, I am encouraged by your work and presence. The struggle will be intense.

We want our freedom anyway. Our freedom is your freedom anyway.

Stiff Resistance,
Mutulu Shakur

We Want Freedom Any-Way for Mumia

So you say, at last this period has passed, they lost
We must kill him, He must pay
The words he spoke taught too much
Shed the light, Exposed the truth


Of course the power remains the same
Contradictions, Are we to ignore?
Victory? There are many objectives
Fighting within the void of unpredictably


Shame! of what?
Truth will raise the light he illuminated
Move ! Oh yea, that’s the way
Reality! Fearless, Tears are no answer
Just fuel


We wouldn’ t then, And we won’ t now
Condone the killings of our future
Fearlessly we march, sign and draw
To DAMN with the consequences


We want our freedom any-way
Here comes the light – yes, And the wind too
Oh, It’s not the light but the breath of it’s glow
Oh yea, The wind must blow


I’ll take my chances to join the fight
We must! We have no choice
For victory is in the fight
The results are the reward
In the star chambers of death
You mix the Confused, Bad and Deviant
With the Just and Righteous
Oh, Know we’re not confused
What must be said is that there is a difference
We are the victims
We know it’s never changed
Release the DREAD – Repent the abuse of power


The gas, The chair, The needle
You won’t cleanse your hypocrisy that way
The battlefield of HUMANITY challenges your genocide
We beg not
Our spirit calls out to a higher Authority
We are not ashamed
It’s been our companion against all odds.
The passion and justice of our conviction cleanses our concern


We’ve come too far to submit
Patty Rollers – Whippings – Hangings too
Hold fast my BROTHER, We can see your light
Of course the light will be lit again


ThugLifeCover430In 1992, at a cease fire agreement and gang ‘Truce Barbecue’ in Watts, California, Tupac Amaru Shakur was instrumental in getting rival members of the Crips and Bloods to sign a code of ethics, that which is called The Code of Thug Life. He and Dr. Mutulu Shakur had helped write up The ‘Code,’ with other ‘O.G’s’ who came together to bring order to the violence on the street.


Someone must dare put the street life back on track, because it is clear to anybody that can see – that the hustling game has gone stark raving mad.

The short and long range result, will not only be detrimental to the street game, but more importantly, the combination of the self destruction & turf warfare, coupled with the government’s police terrorism, fascist laws designed to capture and keep our Black men and women in prison for the rest of their lives, leaves a defenseless Black community – which will result in our genocide.

For as long as the street game / hustle has existed in our community, which is the result of many factors (and will only be resolved through our liberation), it has been viewed as a necessary tolerance between the legal and illegal economy and culture.

The underground economy has, in many areas, been supportive of the uplifting of the Black community. Although, for a fact, it has been the downfall of individuals, the dynamics of struggle between the do-gooders and the thugs has kept a consistent battle for balance in The Black Community which at least was under our control.

The rules of engagement of the hustle was a code of the thug life. This code was the A, B, C’s of how the street game should and would be played. These rules allowed for money to be made by the crews in the different fields of the game, and determined how disputes between and among the players should be handled.

It also allowed the people who were not in the game to pressure the enemy of our people, and allowed the people who would work in the interest of our people (education, health, housing, legal, etc.) to feel that the effort was worth it.

The game today, as it exists, is a complete violation of the code. Historically, the street hustler was hip to the enemy and would never work in the government’s interest to destroy their own people.

The thug life is a tool of the enemy as it exists today; it must change. The interests of outside forces are being served by the hustlers, because the crew has no dignity or honor – and this must be corrected. A council must be called to put a code to the thug life.

We accept that the game will go on until our liberation. What we won’t accept is that the game will destroy us from within before we get another chance to rumble and rebuild. We will not allow ourselves to be played by the covert operations, COINTELPRO, and low intensity warfare waged by the United States government.

A code must be established. As we look at the West coast, the majority of the life is controlled by gangs (Latin/Chican and of the Black community as well). The gangs are the force behind the underground economy in our hoods.

In the mid-East, the common denominator there is also the gangs, which are responsible for the street life. Politically, culturally, and economically, these forces attempt to put the game back on track and work in the interests of the community and to resist the strategy of the government. They have begun setting down a platform for the street game in full effect – we praise this effort.

The code of the thug life must become a part of East coast street life as well. There must be a common denominator.

The original gangsters behind the walls of the dungeon will take some responsibility to putting force to the council and the code.

We must act now. The Code of the Thug Life will save us to fight another day. If we don’t, then we will lose…

While other forces attempt to bring peace and unity to the gangs and crews of the street life…Although we re down with that, and shout out to those attempts, we have always tried to be real with the people. Some folks may oppose what we say and do.

What we’re putting out here is a code to the true dwellers in the thug life. We don’t see this as an end of the game, or the street game as a real end. What we need is liberation. But what we do see if the bringing of some honor to being true to the life – and being real to our family which is a giant step to being down with the true thug life.

Code of THUG LIFE:

  1. All new Jacks to the game must know: a) He’s going to get rich. b) He’s going to jail. c) He’s going to die.
  2. Crew Leaders: You are responsible for legal/financial payment commitments to crew members; your word must be your bond.
  3. One crew’s rat is every crew’s rat. Rats are now like a disease; sooner or later we all get it; and they should too.
  4. Crew leader and posse should select a diplomat, and should work ways to settle disputes. In unity, there is strength!
  5. Car jacking in our Hood is against the Code.
  6. Slinging to children is against the Code.
  7. Having children slinging is against the Code.
  8. No slinging in schools.
  9. Since the rat Nicky Barnes opened his mouth; ratting has become accepted by some. We’re not having it.
  10. Snitches is outta here.
  11. The Boys in Blue don’t run nothing; we do. Control the hood, and make it safe for squares.
  12. No slinging to pregnant Sisters. That’s baby killing; that’s genocide!
  13. Know your target, who’s the real enemy.
  14. Civilians are not a target and should be spared.
  15. Harm to children will not be forgiven.
  16. Attacking someone’s home where their family is known to reside, must be altered or checked.
  17. Senseless brutality and rape must stop.
  18. Our old folks must not be abused.
  19. Respect our Sisters. Respect our Brothers.
  20. Sisters in the Life must be respected if they respect themselves.
  21. Military disputes concerning business areas within the community must be handled professionally and not on the block.
  22. No shooting at parties.
  23. Concerts and parties are neutral territories; no shooting!
  24. Know the Code; it’s for everyone.
  25. Be a real ruff neck. Be down with the code of the Thug Life.
  26. Protect yourself at all times.

“I didn’t create T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E., I diagnosed it.”

– Tupac Shakur